About us


Hey, my name is Neika. I’m a mom, wife, business owner, runner, sister, daughter and happiness seeker.  I’m super grateful for my life and try to live in that spirit every day.  I’m loyal and generous and try to sprinkle kindness wherever I go.  I care deeply about animals and people and I try to work with my patients and clients in a way that is compassionate and fits into their lifestyle, modifying as I go.  Flaws, I’ve got them.  I sometimes yell at my kids, I eat too many sweets and I laugh way too loud! 

It’s super awkward to write an entire “about me” page about myself so I’m going to leave it to my closest friends and family to do it for me.  Plus, it makes it extra awkward for them instead of me….an added bonus. 😉

Here's what my favorite people say about me

"Neika has remarkable charisma.  Everyone is happier in her presence."

Jason S. - Brother

“Neika brings positive vibes and joy to share wherever she goes.  She loves giving hope and a voice for pets and people alike.”     

Stephanie S. - Friend

“Mom, you are the strongest most independent person I know and I’m am so glad to have you as a role model!  You care more about others than any person in this whole world.”

Nora S. - Daughter

“If Sir Isaac Newton and Bob Marley had a child, that child would be a lot like Neika.”

Linda O. - Friend

“Neika is a dedicated workhorse to anything she devotes herself to.  She always strives to do things with positivity and patience and she doesn’t know the definition of failure.”

Regina K. - Friend

"Neika is an energetic, fun-loving ray of sunshine, and the strongest advocate for those who are unable to speak for themselves.  Your life is enriched with her in it!

Kelli R. - Sister

"Neika and I have been best friends for over 34 years and I can count on her to be there through thick and thin.  She is the most loyal, hard working, smart, amazing person I know." 

Christa R. - Bestie

Memberships - Certificates - Awards

Serving South Bend, Mishwaka and surrounding areas

Hours of Awesomeness


9:00 am – 3:00 pm


9:00 am – 3:00 pm


9:00 am – 3:00 pm


9:00 am – 3:00 pm


9:00 am – 3:00 pm


$50 additional fee required

